How to look for a church?

I think Launnie is a great place to live. January is a time of new beginnings for many people. Packing and unpacking boxes, enrolling kids into school, and starting a new job in a new workplace is a mix of fun, excitement and apprehension. If you’re one of the many people who have turned up here, welcome!
January is also a terrific time to find out more about Jesus, and come along to a church for the first time. If you’re interested in finding out more about Jesus, please get in touch. We’d love to talk to you about this.
January is also a time when Christians look to reconnect with church, or find a new church. Here are a few (hopefully helpful) reflections on what it means to find a church to join.
If you’re a Christian, a word of encouragement: be prompt in finding a church family. There are some 58 commands in the New Testament about how Christians are to relate to “one another” (eg. devoted, pray, honour, greet, love, do good). We are created by Christ to work together as the eyes, hands, feet, of the one body. We are called by Christ to express our Christian life in fellowship with one another. How can you obey the instructions in God’s word to “love one another” (John 13), if you don’t have a “one another” to love? Don’t wait for when you’re settled into life here, don’t be a nomad Christian, make it a priority!
When looking for a church, make sure you visit churches that have faithful Christ-exalting preaching. It’s a good idea to listen to a few sermon recordings before attending. Immediately rule out churches that don’t read scripture in their worship services and take time to consider the text at a deep level. You need to hear the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12). Each preacher is different, and none are perfect, but is the preacher faithful to the word of God? Does the worship service focus on the main things of prayer, sung praise, reading scripture, preaching, sacraments?
It’s important to think about whether you can submit to the elders of this church you’re considering joining. Are they godly leaders who take seriously the oversight they have as under-shepherds (1 Peter 5)? Can you imitate their life (Hebrews 13:7)? Godly church leadership, accountability and support is more important for spiritual health than is often considered. Take the time to talk to the elders of the church, they’ll want to hear your story, get to know you and help you grow as a Christian. That’s why they’re an elder!
Looking for a church is a good time for self reflection. What is your own attitude toward the body of Christ? The church is a family. It is purchased by the blood of Christ. It’s a people gathered to worship Christ and to serve him as a people. Are there ways, in the church you’re considering, where you can actively serve the body of Christ? I’m sure there are. Is the church eager to have you join them so that they can help you to serve Jesus? Don’t get so hung up on your own specific gifts that you look for a church that perfectly suits your gifts. Rather, just start serving and loving people in whatever way is needed, in whatever way you can, in the life situation God has you in.
After all that, don’t take too long before committing. Sign up to the membership class and officially join. Start giving financially to the work of the gospel through the church. Practice hospitality, and make friends in your new church who can help you grow in Christ. Be present, as far as possible, each Sunday service. Prepare during the week for worship in prayer and Bible reading. Get involved in mid week ministries if you have the time. Christ is Lord, serve him joyfully.
In the Launceston area there are a number of great churches. We really want you to get plugged into a church. We’d love to help you find one that teaches the Bible, preaches Christ, and is faithful to God’s word.
Please be in touch if we can help in any way.
Nathan Waterhouse