Our Team – Grace Church Launceston

The team behind Grace Presbyterian Church is a bunch of ordinary people who are committed to pray and serve Jesus. We’re trusting in God’s promises, knowing that he’s with us, powerful, and has promised to build his church.
Pastoral Team
Grace Presbyterian is lead by a team of elders, who oversee and care for the church under Jesus.
Nathan Waterhouse – Minister

Nathan and Sarah have been married for 15 years and have three children. We’re passionate Tasmanians. We love the people and area which God has placed us in. Sarah works part time as a primary school teacher. One of our favourite things to do is to head up to the highland lakes to explore places with only Tiger snakes and trout for company.
Nathan undertook theological training at Christ College, the Presbyterian theological training college in Sydney. While in Sydney, Nathan undertook an internship in a church plant. Before moving to Sydney, he studied Science at the University of Tasmania and worked in a number of roles in Launceston. Some employment highlights include a position with St Andrews Presbyterian Church and driving around a Toro lawnmower as a groundsman. Nathan (along with the family) moved back to Launceston at the end of 2019, to begin serving with the churches in the Presbytery of Bass as a church planter. He is an ordained elder and minister in the Presbyterian Church of Australia.
We’re excited to see where God takes us as a church and as a family. You can find out more about our church’s beliefs. Please get in contact if you would like to find our more about us.