Children are inconvenient? No, the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these – Mark 10:13-14

We don’t like being inconvenienced. You decide to go to a café, you get in the car, you drive over there, and then you walk up to it, and the sign on the door says ‘closed’. To make matters worse, on Google it said they were ‘open’. Even in a small way like that, it’s…

Two years of Public Worship Services

I recently remembered that it’s about two years since we commenced public worship services at Grace Presbyterian Church. We ‘officially’ started in about September 2021 when our church core group finally found a place to meet in, the Hadspen Memorial Centre. I’m profoundly thankful to God for these past two years. Thinking back to when…

For God so loved

I had the privilege of being in the room when all three of my children were born. While scans are nice, pictures on the screen are great, It’s a particularly special moment when you get to see your child for the first time, in the flesh. Even if they’re covered in sticky goop, and with…