Children and Families at Grace Church Launceston

We would love to be a church community which welcomes and loves families and children.

It’s our belief that children are as much a part of Jesus’ church as the adults. As Jesus said in Matthew chapter 19 verse 14, “let the little children come to me.” As a Presbyterian church we baptise kids, not just grownups, because God’s promises are for them as well. This conviction also flows out to other parts of our life together as a church family.

Our church services will have children in mind. As we speak, we aim to be clear and easy to follow. We’ll have parts of the service which directly engage with children. At Grace Church, we’re going to have everyone together for the church service, kids and adults. Now, we understand from experience that this can sometimes be hard work for parents. So we’ll help out with activities and various ways of helping kids engage with what’s happening. In the end, we think there are great benefits for kids to be involved as the whole church worships God together.

Our gospel training discussion groups will have age appropriate teaching for children. Every Sunday, after morning tea, we will run a half hour discussion and training seminar which aims to connect the gospel of God’s grace to every day life. Because we love kids in our church community, a kids’ gospel training group will run at the same time as the adults’ group. It’ll be tailored in age appropriate ways to engage them with the good news of Jesus.

Our midweek community groups will also be organised to suit families. They will be held at times which are achievable for both children and their parents to attend.

Now, we know we won’t do this perfectly. Yet, by God’s grace, it’s our prayer that Jesus would be glorified as kids grow up to trust, love and serve him.

If you have any questions or want to chat about families, children, and our church please get in touch.

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