Thoughts on Moving Out

We’ve come to a milestone Sunday for our church plant.
From this Sunday we’re moving out of the house and into a public venue. We’re meeting (for the next while) in the Hadspen Memorial Centre.
Some reflections on what God has done so far.
In early 2020 we begin this exciting, yet daunting, task to pray and work toward a new church in the Launceston area. It was the year of covid lockdowns, and all that went along with that. Although the work was slow there was some progress made. I visited many churches, preaching sermons around the state (and country) online and in person. It was a year to make connections with new and old friends. When we finally arrived at the end of the year, we had a start date for this new church. Our first service of worship was held on January 31st this year in my house!
It’s been clear that God has been at work in this group of his people right from the beginning. The lounge room phase has helped our group form solid relationships in which christian care is really evident. We’ve been spiritually nourished by our sermon series in the letter of Ephesians. We’ve been calling on God in prayer for our own needs and the needs of his world. We’ve been strengthened in our faith through celebrating the Lord’s Supper. We’ve also begun our Gospel Training time in which we’ve got stuck into practical matters for church planting.* It’s no small thing to meet with God in worship. What a joy!
In some ways nothing really will change moving from a lounge room to public meeting space. We’ll still be worshipping God together each Sunday. We’ll be gathered to hear God speak and to respond in praise. It will now be in a venue with a few extra seats and we’re praying that they will be filled. It’s my hope and prayer that this new church will continue to praise God for his glorious grace in Christ.
Nathan Waterhouse
*Gospel Training is our seminar style discussion which aims to connect the gospel of God’s grace to every part of life.